Łączna liczba wyświetleń

czwartek, 4 września 2014

From BIALYSTOK TO STEGNA opis podróży z Białegostoku do Stegny

I have promised to describe my short journey from Białystok to Stegna at the seaside.


It took about 5 hours, but was a little tiring. Half of it via Mazovia District


and Mazurian Lake District


famous for its wonderful lakes, but I was rather driving through small local roads in the forests, also passsing the city of Łomża (at Mazovia) and then small villages, where people were taking care of their cows and other animals, like in older times in books. 

Also visiting KURPIOWSZCZYZNA in Mazovia, a small traditional region where local folk lives. 


And then the town of NIDZICA, WHERE THE OLD GOTHIC CASTLE is a lovely attraction.  Only the second part of the journey was easier when I reached the motorway from Warsaw, our capital to the sea. It was getting dark at that moment, and the sky had lovely red-orange-pink colours. 

The next day early in the morning I went with my dear sister to see what we love forever- our sea.

Enjoy the journey.

Dziś wracam myślą do podroży, którą odbyłam z moją drogą siostrą z Białegostoku do Stegny, tydzień temu. 5 godzin, pierwsza połowa przez lokalne dróżki, wsie, pola i lasy, druga już drogą ekspresową, łatwiejsza.

Poprzez Mazowsze, Łomżę, całą w robotach drogowych, Mazury, Nidzicę z jej zamkiem z czasów Krzyżaków, wioseczki na Kurpiowszczyźnie, dopiero potem wyskakując wieczorem na trasę warszawską już na samo Pomorze w stronę Krynicy Morskiej, do Stegny.

Poniżej foty: krówki na Mazowszu lub już nawet Mazurach, Nidzica, zachód słońca na ekspresówce w kierunku morza i poranek w Stegnie, droga nad morze...i w końcu upragnione-morze.

Cows walking home somewhere at the border of Mazovia and Mazurian Lake District

Gothic castle in NIDZICA

Sunset on the motorway to Pomerania, closer and closer to the seaside

Early in the morning on the naxt day from this place in Stegna we start our stroll

Then the road in the forest, signposts to the different resorts

Nordic-walking ar 6.30 am is really...refreshing

There it is, the only goal, one and only

Isn't it beautiful???