NOSAL is not vey high (1206 mnpm, above sea level -ASL),
usually we go there on the first or the last day, or when the weather is not that good as it should be.
Unfortunatelly, some people think that it is a walking-route so they go like for a stroll in not very comfortable shoes.
Not a good decision.
Our opinions will then be dependent on from which side we start.
The route starts
1. from known point in ZAKOPANE - that is KUŹNICE (the district of the town),
2. from the bus stop MUROWANICA.
From the 1st side I think it is much easier, cause hiking up from side of MUROWANICA may be a little harder.
OK, do not worry it is still not the high part of TATRY (TATRA MOUNTAINS).
When you find yourself on the side of KUŻNICE it is possible to make the trip longer and to go through NOSALOWA PRZEŁĘCZ (small mountain pass) further to DOLINA OLCZYSKA, very small but also nice valley.
About OLCZYSKA I will continue next time....
Have a good time watching pictures, especially that one with just-married-couple probably on the wedding session wit a photographer.
I have almost forgotten: from NOSAL there is a beautiful panorama of the mountains including our famous KASPROWY WIERCH.
A film links
NOSAL, TO KOLEJNE MIEJSCE GDZIE czasem można spotkać turystów w klapkach i sandałach. Jednak nie polecam bo zwłaszcza wejście od strony przystanku MUROWANICA jest momentami ostre, mimo, że przecież nie jest to wysoka górka.
Z drugiej strony szlaku można odbić na NOSALOWĄ PRZEŁĘCZ i udać się dalej do DOLINY OLCZYSKIEJ, ale o tym następnym razem.
Z NOSALA, jak wiadomo, piękne widoki...
Trafiła się nawet sesja ślubna.
AND HOW IT LOOKS IN WINTER ORAZ ZIMA NA NOSALU,Zakopane---Nieczynny-wyciag-krzeselkowy-na-szczyt-.jpg
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