Today I will present the lovely pictures I met once when walking around Świnoujście. In the center of it, in the park I saw a new thing, attraction,
along the edge of the park, there is a "promenade" of pictures from ABOVE, REALLY I was impressed, cause normally when we spend the time at the seaside we do not have the idea that there must be some other marvellous places and views than the beach only.
On some of them there is the mouth of Świna River, and the KARSIBÓR ISLAND,
not to forget the biggest ferry in Świnoujście (local transport, remember the town is on the island- Wolin island), port called Karsibór, is next to the island.
Nice bike routes are there.
There is also a smaller island Karsiborska Kępa (one of the 40 small islands in the delta of Świna river) known to be a nature reserve for rare birds.łeczny_Karsiborska_Kępaór_(wyspa)
Karsibór Ferry
Dziś Świnoujście z lotu ptaka, zdjęcia zrobione na spacerze w centrum, w parku, odkryłam je w tym roku.Pięknie widać ujście Świny, ale też wyspę Karsibór, nieopodal przecież największa przeprawa promowa.
Nieco na południe kraina 40 małych wysp w delcie Świny, z których Karsiborska Kępa chyba jest najbardziej znaną, z powodu rezerwatu dla ptaków.
IN MY PREVIOUS POSTS, I was describing the trip to the seaside through Mazovia region, KURPIE (small district),
however I probably have forgotten to mention that the big part of the journey was via WARMIAN-MAZURIAN VOIVODESHIP, cause informally we say "Mazury", that is Mazurian Lake District.
This voivodeship borders with RUSSIA and LITHUANIA.
Today I present the rest of the pictures from NIDZICA, from te old castle, where Teutonic Knights lived (KRZYŻACY in Polish);
this region was generally called Prussia (PRUSY) in older times.
I copied the following sentence below:
1410 The Teutonic Order defeated by combined Catholic Christian Lithuanian-Polish forces at Tannenberg/Grunwald. Although the Teutonic Order continued to govern Prussia, this was the death-knell of the end of the Prussian Crusade.
cause it is the most famous ancient battle between Polish-Lithuanian forces and the knights.
Grunwald, a place where it was happening is on on the way from Warsaw to the seaside, if anyone wants to know.
There are some other castles from those times - it is on the map, on one of the pictures from today: a castle in Kętrzyn, Olsztyn, Lidzbark Warmiński, but MALBORK is the most famous.
I was there some time ago, but I am planning to visit it again.
Maybe next summer.
So enjoy the castle in NIDZICA, by the way there is a hotel "U Komtura" if maybe someone would wish to sleep in the old castle.ództwo_warmińsko-mazurskie,_Warmian-Masurian_Voivodeship
Dziś uzupełnienie podróży nad morze przez Mazury, Mazowsze, Kurpie.Oczywiście należy wspomnieć, że jest to województwo Warmińsko-Mazurskie, które graniczy Z Rosją (Obwodem Kalinigradzkim) oraz z Litwą.
Co jeszcze chcę dodać, otóż na zdjęciach z dziś jest reszta z Nidzicy,a na jednym mapa z pozostałymi zamkami Krzyżaków, czyli Olsztyn, Kętrzyn, parę innych, no i, oczywiście Malbork.Malbork planuję na następne wakacje.
Teraz, miłego oglądania,
a jak ktoś chce jechać do Nidzicy może przespać się "U Komtura", czyli w hotelu na zamku, jest tam też restauracja.
And the end of the journey - seagulls at the the beach in STEGNA
Dziś w niedzielę widoki z podróży powrotnej ze Stegny, znad morza przez Mazowsze i stolicę Kurpi MYSZYNIEC (województwo mazowieckie).
TODAY ON SUNDAY some views from the road back from the SEASIDE IN STEGNA through MAZOVIA REGION, especially local region called KURPIOWSZCZYZNA, where the town of MYSZYNIEC is thought to be a capital of KURPIE, this is rather traditional that official.
najpierw poranek w Stegnie, potem droga powrotna przez Kurpie
Centrum Stegny i Kościół Najśw Serca Pana Jezusa
And Myszyniec with its local motives
Myszyniec -stolica Kurpi
Kościół w Myszyńcu

tak wygląda podróż przez połowę Mazowsza nad morze lub z powrotem
I have promised to describe my short journey from Białystok to Stegna at the seaside.
It took about 5 hours, but was a little tiring. Half of it via Mazovia District
and Mazurian Lake District
famous for its wonderful lakes, but I was rather driving through small local roads in the forests, also passsing the city of Łomża (at Mazovia) and then small villages, where people were taking care of their cows and other animals, like in older times in books.
Also visiting KURPIOWSZCZYZNA in Mazovia, a small traditional region where local folk lives.
And then the town of NIDZICA, WHERE THE OLD GOTHIC CASTLE is a lovely attraction. Only the second part of the journey was easier when I reached the motorway from Warsaw, our capital to the sea. It was getting dark at that moment, and the sky had lovely red-orange-pink colours.
The next day early in the morning I went with my dear sister to see what we love forever- our sea.
Enjoy the journey.
Dziś wracam myślą do podroży, którą odbyłam z moją drogą siostrą z Białegostoku do Stegny, tydzień temu. 5 godzin, pierwsza połowa przez lokalne dróżki, wsie, pola i lasy, druga już drogą ekspresową, łatwiejsza.
Poprzez Mazowsze, Łomżę, całą w robotach drogowych, Mazury, Nidzicę z jej zamkiem z czasów Krzyżaków, wioseczki na Kurpiowszczyźnie, dopiero potem wyskakując wieczorem na trasę warszawską już na samo Pomorze w stronę Krynicy Morskiej, do Stegny.
Poniżej foty: krówki na Mazowszu lub już nawet Mazurach, Nidzica, zachód słońca na ekspresówce w kierunku morza i poranek w Stegnie, droga nad morze...i w końcu upragnione-morze.
Cows walking home somewhere at the border of Mazovia and Mazurian Lake District
Gothic castle in NIDZICA
Sunset on the motorway to Pomerania, closer and closer to the seaside
Early in the morning on the naxt day from this place in Stegna we start our stroll
Then the road in the forest, signposts to the different resorts
Nordic-walking ar 6.30 am is really...refreshing
There it is, the only goal, one and only
Isn't it beautiful???
I am back at work, summer stil is here but holiday is over.
So now I am not able to write posts every day.
Only as possible.
In last days of August I dreamed of visiting Tatra mountains, but it was not possible.
However, I was on a short journey to Białystok, a city that is on the eastern/northern end of Poland abot 70 km from Belerus.
For people like me, living around German and Chech border it is a very distant and different place, for example a lot of inhabitants belong to Orthodox Church.
But I was so lucky to visit BALTIC SEA, for one day I went to STEGNA, a small village not very far from KRYNICA MORSKA.,lp,470.html
I will describe the trip more profoundly in next days, today some lovely pictures entitled:
Na pożegnanie lata udało mi się odwiedzić morze.
Byłam w Stegnie, niedaleko Krynicy Morskiej, czyli na samym północnym wschodzie Polski.Miałam okazję być z Białymstoku, który jest oddalony ok 70 km od granicy z Białorusią i od morza dzieli je około 5 godzin jazdy autem.
Gdyby była trochę lepsza droga może byłoby krócej.
To opiszę innym razem.Dziś foty z pożegnania lata.